Permaculture & Tasty Garden Designs

The core values of Tasty Garden Designs are based on the three Permaculture Ethics:

Care for the earth

Care for the people

Share the surplus

Permaculture is a design science based on ecological principles used to enhance, not deplete, the eco-systems of our planet. Permaculture has grown not only to include designing our landscapes but also creating a sustainable and permanent culture.

In permaculture, landscapes are intentionally designed to mimic the patterns and diverse interconnections found in nature. A permaculture is a self-sustained and integrated system that once designed will minimize work and yield an abundance of food, fiber, and energy for its inhabitants and the community.


We were greatly inspired after taking Geoff Lawton’s Permaculture course to create a food forest in a quaint suburban neighborhood in Bellevue. In our excitement we began teaching permaculture classes; while at the same time providing a space for students to help us build the food forest.

We are grateful for the vast amount of knowledge, wisdom, and inspiration that is available to us from everyone that has contributed to enriching our lives through permaculture. Our vision is to encourage and empower others living in urban neighborhoods, no matter how small the space, to take the leap and begin to create rich eco-systems that will replenish the earth and provide beautiful, healthy food and social systems.

If we can inspire you, just as Geoff Lawton inspired us, it warms our heart to leave behind an eco-friendly legacy.

Mechas & Esther


We inspire and teach people to create self-sustaining food systems while improving ecosystem health.


At the heart of our vision is to care for the earth, to care for its people and to share our resources.

We aim to teach adults and children the permaculture ethics and principles and how to apply them to design their own urban food forests.

Through education we empower people to create self contained agricultural ecosystems that are designed to minimize work and maximize product yield.

We encourage children and families to learn and share permaculture by providing enjoyable and educational children’s books and videos.

We collaborate with local schools and organizations to offer interactive permaculture workshops for children.

We are committed to providing inspiration and education about urban permaculture on our website through writings, photography, resources, and personal stories.

We design beautiful urban gardens and urban food forests to meet the needs of our clients through our permaculture design services.

We provide opportunities for you to experience a growing urban food forest at our demonstration gardens located in Snohomish, Washington.