Dr. Elaine Ingham’s Hot Compost Method

Dr. Elaine Ingham’s Hot Compost Method

Making a hot compost is an easy way to bring living biology into your soil. When you add compost that is alive with a diversity of microorganisms to your soil, it increases fertility, holds moisture, and creates an environment for plants to flourish. Let’s get started!!!

We use heavy wire to create a 6 foot diameter that is held together with bungee cords, making it easy to open and close.

We collect the correct ratio of green and brown matter that are used to build the compost pile. Cut grass adds nitrogen to the compost pile and helps it to heat up.  

Chopping up the green and brown materials helps them to break down faster in the compost pile. We chop up the green and brown materials using a shredder. You can also chop these up by hand using clippers or a lawn mower to shred the dried leaves.

We build the compost pile by layering the browns, greens, grass, and comfrey. We mix it well and add water in between the layers.

The compost pile is covered with a tarp to protect it from the rain and elements. A compost thermometer is used to let us know when the compost pile reaches 160-165F, indicating it is time to turn the pile. The temperature shown above was taken after the pile was built. 

After the compost reaches 160F for 3 days it is ready to turn. The top third and sides of the original pile are removed and placed on a tarp, later these are added to the center of the new pile. The center of the original pile is removed and placed on the tarp and later is added to the bottom of the new pile. The bottom of the original pile is placed on a tarp and later is added to the top of the new pile. Using this method assures that all the material in the compost pile is broken down.

The compost is turned a total of 5 times in the same way. We love seeing mushroom growing in the compost, a sure sign of living organisms at work.

The finished compost can be covered and stored for several months. The compost can be used directly in the garden to enrich the soil with living organisms. It can also be used to make compost tea or extract to apply to plants to supply nutrients and increase garden productivity. 


We are looking forward to teaching compost making classes soon. Dates will be posted later this year.

The Soil Food Web

The Soil Food Web

In February Mechas attended a class to learn about soil biology. The class was taught by a very respected and well known leader in soil microbiology and researcher of the soil foodweb, Dr. Elaine Ingham. What an incredible class! Dr. Elaine Ingham is brilliant teacher. If you get an opportunity we highly recommend taking the Dr. Elaine Ingham’s class, it will solve many of your garden problems.

Who knew that the nematodes, fungi, protozoa, bacteria, arthropods are the little critters that make the soil come to life?  Without the biology of these critters we can’t grow nutrient rich food or plants.  Mechas learned so much about soil biology in just one week and of course there is a still a lot more to learn.

So when we have the right biology we have soil and when we don’t we have dirt.

When you have a diversity of microorganisms in your soil the plants are healthy because of the balance of beneficial microorganisms and insects. Another added benefit is less water is required  because the roots are stronger and they go deeper into the ground to gather nutrients and water due to the soils ability to absorb more water. Dirt is not so good. It does not hold water and requires the continued use of fertilizers that kill fungi and nematodes and other beneficial organisms. Dirt is not great for growing food.

The key to all of this is making rich compost to bring in the good microbiology. Check out this link to Dr. Ingham’s compost making: http://www.soilfoodweb.com/Thermal_Compost.html

To learn more about Dr. Elaine Ingham visit these sites:




Soil Food Web course

Soil Food Web course

I wanted to let you know about a wonderful Soil Food Web course with the renowned soil biologist Dr. Elaine Ingham. It is a chance to get extensive in-class and hands on knowledge of soil, composting, compost tea, and best practices to create sustainable conditions where your plants will be protected against diseases and pests for maximum production. The class is  happening January 23rd-27th, 2017, and is hosted by GreenFriends Farm in Castro Valley, CA.
You can find more info here at http://greenfriendsfarm.org/courses/soil-food-web/ and I attached a flyer.
Thank you and we hope to hear from you.